Minimum age horse * ---3456789101112131415161718
Maximum age horse * ---3456789101112131415161718
Level horse * ---JuniorAdvancedYoung RidersSmall TourGrand PrixSchoolmasterFEI PonyEventer/Hunter
Gender ---StallionMareGelding
Minimum size horse ---< 1.60m / 15.3H1.65m / 16.1H1.68m / 16.2H1.70m / 16.3H1.73m / 17.0H1.75m / 17.1H> 1.75m / 17.2H
Maximum size horse ---< 1.60m / 15.3H1.65m / 16.1H1.68m / 16.2H1.70m / 16.3H1.73m / 17.0H1.75m / 17.1H> 1.75m / 17.2H
Budget * ---€ 25.000 - € 50.000€ 50.000 - € 75.000€ 75.000 - € 100.000€ 100.000 - € 150.000€ 150.000 - € 250.000> € 500.000
Full name *
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Phone number *
Country *
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After receiving your preferred dates of travel and contact information, we will get back to you about available horses and planning schedules.
I Accept the terms & Agreements.
Level horse * ---< 1.10m1.20m1.30m1.40m1.50m1.60m >
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